Resolving and Stress Testing Global Banking Institutions
On September 4-5, 2019, in partnership with the European Central Bank, PIFS hosted a special roundtable event in Frankfurt, Germany entitled “Resolving and Stress Testing Global Banking Institutions.” At the event, senior regulators, senior industry representatives, and distinguished academics from the European Union, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States discussed critical issues in stress testing.
Roundtable Session Topics
- Ring-Fencing and Home Country SPOE Resolution: Complementary or in Conflict?
- Should Ring-Fencing of Bank Capital and Liquidity Be Limited to Avoid Negative Economic Consequences?
- Scenario Design: How Should Regulators Determine the Degree of Scenario Adversity?
- Use of Models: What is the Appropriate Degree of Disclosure of Regulator Stress Test Models? What is the Appropriate Role of Bank Models in the Stress Testing Process?
Participants included, among others:
- Sir John Cunliffe, Deputy Governor for Financial Stability, Bank of England
- Luis de Guindos, Vice President, European Central Bank
- Yoshinori Nakata, Director-General, International Department, Bank of Japan
- Randal K. Quarles, Vice Chair for Supervision, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System