International Symposia
PIFS annual international symposia bring together approximately 120 senior policymakers, financial sector executives, and academics to foster dialogue on policy issues impacting the global financial system. PIFS symposia are 2.5 day invitation-only events that are subject to Chatham House Rules. Each year, the location of a given symposium rotates between the US and that region.
After each symposium, Bill Grimes, Professor of International Relations at Boston University, drafts a report that focuses, without attribution to any specific attendees, on the common topics and issues that emerged from the event. The report is disseminated to all attendees and to policymakers across the globe.
Harvard Law School is the non-financial sponsor of PIFS international symposia. PIFS also collaborates with the International House of Japan for its US-Japan symposium, the China Development Research Foundation for its US-China Symposium and with the European Official Sector for its EU-US symposium.