1991 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF The Uruguay Round of trade negotiations within the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that has been under way since 1986 includes discussions on liberalization of trade in services in addition to trade in goods. The inclusion of services for the...
1990 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF Michael Blair’s excellent paper raises three important questions about the EEC’s Proposed Second Banking Directive: (1) will it work; (2) how will it affect Canadian, Japanese and U.S. banks; and (3) how will liberalization in the provision...
1986 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF The market for financial services in the United States has long been characterized by a series of federally-imposed geographic restrictions and service-market divisions. Congress enacted these restrictions to prevent both banks and their holding...
1985 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF There have been a number of proposals thrown about for changes in the substance, methods, and institutional structure of legal education in America. Some of the most radical, if not bizarre, have come from the critical legal studies movement. Let me...
1983 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF According to 1980 figures, wire transfers – instructions that funds be transferred from one person to another implemented through electronic means – account for the movement of $117 trillion each year. This vastly exceeds the amount...
1983 | Hal Scott
Download As PDF Three important cases were decided in 1982 in the area of commercial electronic fund transfers. They are Evra Corp. v. Swiss Bank Corp. v. Conti nental Illinois National Bank and Trust Co. (third-party defendant) (Evra)* Houston Contracting Corp. v....
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