PIFS conducts research on policy issues impacting the global financial system. PIFS research has focused on issues such as US Treasury market liquidity, global equity market structure, the rise of cloud computing and, the regulation of crypto markets.
International Review of Equity Market Structure Regulation: Phase I (2019)
Our review of equity market regulation focuses on key similarities and differences among regulatory regimes in five jurisdictions, representing roughly 90% of global stock trading. It covers several areas of market structure regulation, including regulation of alternative trading venues, lit and dark trading, and high frequency trading.
Cloud Computing in the Financial Sector: A Global Perspective (2019)
This report provides background on the use of cloud computing in the financial sector, reviews existing regulatory and supervisory frameworks for cloud use by financial institutions, and recommends improvements to those frameworks that could reduce obstacles to more widespread cloud adoption by financial institutions.
Overview of Stress Test Regimes in Key Jurisdictions (2018)
In connection with a special roundtable event that PIFS, in partnership with Harvard Law School, hosted on November 16, 2018, PIFS prepared a document to provide participants an overview of stress testing regimes in four jurisdictions – the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, and Japan. The overview focused on four major topics.