2006 China – US Symposium
June 23 – 25, 2006 • Tianjin, China
- Protection and Enforcement of the Rights of Minority Shareholders in Public Companies
- The Value of Strategic Partnerships in the Chinese Financial Sector
- U.S. Barriers to Chinese Acquisitions (CFIUS) and Trade Sanctions for an “Undervalued” Currency
- Wu Xiaoling, Deputy Governor, People’s Bank of China
- David P. Loevinger, Minister-Counselor for Financial Affairs, U.S. Embassy
- Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to China, U.S. Embassy
- Guo Shuqing, Chairman, China Construction Bank and Former Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China
- Dai Xianglong, Mayor of Tianjin and Former Governor of the People’s Bank of China